Applications are used to interact with the services on the PLANQK Platform.
Applications hold all necessary information for a secure communication with the service, i.e., a public and secret key pair to request authorization bearer tokens.
Authorization bearer tokens must be sent with any request (using the HTTP header Authorization
) to a service and can be requested from the platform's token endpoint by providing the client credentials, i.e., the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret of your application.
- Go to your application in the Applications section
- Copy the cURL command into your clipboard by clicking the "Copy Text" button. The command contains already the consumer key and secret encoded as Base64 string.
- Paste and execute the command in your favorite shell.
- The value of the property
contains the authorization bearer token.
Take the following cURL command as an example:
curl -k -X POST -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -H "Authorization: Basic b2g3cWROZHBCZ0N1OGZ1dV8xMjlORkZBbnNZYTpSaGtVYndhamY4WEh6NktpOXdFZUVhVF9LdGth"
The response of the command reveals the authorization bearer token in the access_token
"access_token": "eyJ4NXQiOiJNell4TW1Ga09HWXdNV0kwWldObU5EY3hOR1l3WW1NNFpUQTNNV0kyTkRBelpHUX...",
"scope": "default",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600
You need to add this token in each HTTP request to the HTTP header Authorization
. For example, using the response from above, you need to add the following HTTP header field to your HTTP requests:
Authorization: Bearer eyJ4NXQiOiJNell4TW1Ga09HWXdNV0kwWldObU5EY3hOR1l3WW1NNFpUQTNNV0kyTkRBelpHUX...
Then token has an expiration time, i.e., after it expired you need to obtain a new one with the cURL command above.